Trauma to Transformation USB Course


Trauma happens to us all, but it does not have to define who we are. This course explains the ways that trauma attaches and stays attached; it also teaches you how to apply Scriptural principals for freedom and transformation.

This USB is a course with seven sessions:

  1. Trauma by Linda Forster

  2. What happened to you? by Linda Forster

  3. Trauma in Children by Cherie Anthony

  4. Responses, Reactions, Strongholds & Curses by Linda Forster

  5. Overcoming the Victim Spirit by Karren Turner

  6. Building Resilience by Linda Forster

  7. The Trauma of Compassion Fatigue by Linda Forster

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Linda Forster has been an inner healing prayer minister for over two decades. Her personal journey with God to freedom in Christ fostered deep compassion in her for the wounded and hurting. Her passion is for people to be healed so they can further the Kingdom of God by fulfilling their destiny.