Blessing babies in the womb
Nurturing a child’s destiny from conception through birth.
Saturday, August 9, 2025
life center ministries
8:30 AM - 12: 30 PM
From the moment of conception, a baby’s spirit is learning about life; the baby is a hearing, sensing, and feeling being. Medical research in recent years has documented how much the in-utero experience affects developing children. Nurturing your baby while in the womb is an essential ingredient in effective parenting and stewarding a child’s destiny.
This class is designed to impart to expectant parents and those interested in expanding their knowledge and experience in praying for children (from conception to birth). Our aim is to equip you with information regarding the spiritual nourishment necessary to parent and build identity and destiny into developing children. Taught by Cherie Anthony and Lynn Okuley, this class consists of foundational teachings and interactive prayer for releasing God’s marvelous blessings into a baby’s life.
In-person or via Zoom.
Individual registration: $50. Couple registration: $75.
Meet the speakers
The Director of Healing the Heart Ministry, Cherie Anthony, is an ordained pastor who has been an Inner Healing and Deliverance Prayer Minister for nearly three decades. Cherie’s welcoming heart for people is multigenerational; she ministers to the pre-born, children, teens, adults, couples, and families. Her constant hope is to lead others to the heart of Jesus, releasing them into freedom, identity, and destiny.
Cherie has been trained at and has taught Elijah House Basic, Elijah House Advanced, and Theophostic Ministry. Cherie assists in teaching Loved to Life I, II, and III. She currently collaborates with other team members in teaching Parenting by Design and Trauma to Transformation. She has written and taught various seminars, including Blessing Babies in the Womb and Ministering to the Hearts of Children.
Lynn has been a midwife for over 5 years and has helped in the birth of over 315 babies! Two years ago, she started her own midwifery practice. Lynn’s heart has always burned to help pregnant women during the birth process. She is constantly in awe and amazed by the miracle of pregnancy and birth.
class topics
Parenting in the Womb
Preparing for Children
Prophetic Blessing and Prayer